Monday, January 14, 2013

FYP2: Content Development 1

After few revision on Processing...I had come up with some of the visual and the audio of the street.

Tried for Jalan Changkat

The size become bigger and the visual does not really suit
 for the noise and tried again the new one

Finally after few adjustment I had come up with this
 visual that are much related to the noise

Tried for Jalan Imbi

This my First trial for my Jalan Imbi noise but unfortunately it does not suit at all 
and Dr Wong ask me to improve on this noise visual.

Finally I had come up with this visual that are much more better then the previous one.

Tried for Jalan Bukit Bintang

This audiovisual suit for my noise of Jalan Bukit Bintang and even
 Dr.Wong said this one is better and the visual suit the noise

Processing Scripting

The had helped me a lot on my coding part and the website is useful  for me as i don't have much knowledge in processing programming.This the output of my three noise of the street.


I had encounter problem as my Processing file was in different folder and I was not sure on how to 
combine the three audiovisual object to classes.


With the help of my cousin,I had come up with solution where i had used Java to execute the three audiovisual.

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