Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Critique 2 - Research & analysis


I used the primary research method which are online survey and interview.The goal of this primary research is to

  • to get people's opinion about noise pollution 
  • and also how they react and
  • their responds towards the issue.

Summary of the survey on noise pollution



1)What are the major sources of noise pollution?

Outcome of Question 1:This pie chart clearly shows that the road traffic is the major source of noise pollution

2)Do you think noise affect you?

Outcome of Question 2:This chart shows that many people was affected by noise pollution

3)What is your level of concern towards noise?

Outcome of Question 3:This chart  shows that majority people are really concern on noise pollution

4)Which period the noise affects you more?

Outcome of Question 4:This pie chart shows that people are affected by noise during day time

5)In what where noise affect you? 

Outcome of Question 5:The above chart shows majority people agreed that noise causes irritation

6)What are the precautions you can take avoid noise pollution?

Outcome of Question 6:The above chart shows people avoid noise by using the earplug

7)Who are the most affected by noise pollution?

Outcome of Question 7:The chart shows that all range people are affected by noise pollution

8)Which place you think highly affected by noise pollution?

Outcome of Question 8:The pie chart shows the high level of noise affected at Urban areas

9)What do you think about noise?

Outcome of Question 9: The above pie chart shows that noise is a nuisance

10)Do you think its important to live in peace and quite? 

Outcome of Question 10:The chart above shows majority said yes its important to live in peace and quite


According to this survey,the researcher had identity that mostly all range of people was affected by noise pollution.Majority of the people gives high concern on the noise pollution which causes irritation to them.Apart from that,the researcher has determined that urban cities are the places that affected by the noise pollution.The majorities of respondent stated that road traffic is the main source of noise pollution. Most of the respondent agreed that peaceful environment is important for them.From these survey the researcher can conclude that people are really affected by the noise pollution and it is one of the major problem that cannot be solved as it involved in their daily life.

Primary research findings:

How people will react if there is a combination of noise in a empty space?

Is it will end up with interesting mood?


Is it they will be mentally affected?

Problem solving:

Overall it will test on how people will react with noise and to address people on the noise.

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